Installing and Upgrading Drupal and Modules and themes from the Linux Shell Command Line

Getting started with Drupal install on the command line:

In a Web browser (firefox), go to and copy the latest drupal version folder location which you want to install. Just right click on download Link and copy to clipboard.

Go to www or public_html or your installation folder usign ssh.

Use Wget command to download drupal from site.
    $ wget <paste link here>

$tar -xzf drupal-6.19.tar.gz

You can create shortcut name for this drupal folder. As some people would like to rename this directory to some simple name.
      You can create a link such as:-
      $ln -s drupal-6.9 drupal

so that you can keep multiple versions in your account at once without getting confused as to which is which.  "ln -s" stands for "link symbolically"

It is now safe to delete the file you downloaded, like so:
      rm drupal-6.19.tar.gz

"rm" stands for "remove." and helpful command for deleting directories. -rf can be used for force delete of directories.

Go to your new URL in a Web browser and follow the directions there.Installation instructions will come up there and you need to follow those.

You can fastely download modules from drupal site to your drupal directory / theme or module directory and enable from drupal GUI. You can also create a script for auto update and installations of modules and themes from drupal site. But need to make sure about backups :-)